Social Studies Department

Palisades Social Studies Department Mission Statement:

The mission of the social studies department is to develop active and informed citizens who embrace diversity, understand the context of historical and current events, and think independently when presented with conflicting sources of information.

Rationale: A democracy requires educated citizens who can make informed decisions. Social studies helps students understand and participate in the democratic process. As our society becomes more culturally diverse and we live in a more interdependent world, social studies provides students with the knowledge and understanding of the past necessary for coping with the present and planning for the future. Our mission is that students not only learn information but also how to learn so that they can continue to seek the knowledge that will allow them to reach their full potential and be productive members of our society.

5-Year Action Plan:

Please click here to see an overview of our K-12 Social Studies program and a summary of the department's 5-year curriculum review plan (2020-2025)

bridget snively
Bridge Snively
Co-Department Head, Elementary Schools
[email protected]
Jay Ziegenfuss 
Zach Ziegenfuss
Co-Department Head, Elementary Schools
[email protected]
David Hinkle Dennis Gluck Alex Bobsein

David Hinkle
Co-Department Head, Middle School
d[email protected]

Dennis Gluck
Co-Department Head, Middle School
d[email protected]

Alex Bobsein
Department Head, High School
[email protected] 

Elementary School Social Studies

1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade

Middle School Social Studies

World Cultures - Grade 6
Global Awareness - Grade 7
Watershed Integration Program - Grade 7
United States and the World I - Grade 8

High School Social Studies

AP European History
AP U.S. History
United States and the World III
Cultural Diversity & Conflict Resolution
United States and the World II
Modern World History
Government & the Development of Public Policy
Sports & American Society
Racism & Genocide
Nonwestern Civilizations (History)
Gifted Seminar I
Gifted Seminar II
Gifted Seminar III
Gifted Independent Study