Right to Know


District Business Office Hours

Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM except Holidays
(please consult District Calendar for schedule)

Any requester seeking access to or duplication of a public record must submit a written request to the Open Records Officer. The written request must identify or describe the public record with sufficient specificity to allow the district to determine which record is being requested and the name and address to which the district should send its response.
The district encourages a requester to complete the district's Right-to-Know Request Form when submitting a written request. Copies of that form may be downloaded from the link below.

Any requester may submit a Right-to-Know Form in the following manner:
In-person: At the District Office, 39 Thomas Free Dr, Kintnersville PA 18930 on any business day during regular business hours.

Regular mail: Sent to the attention of:  Colleen Gartland, Open Records Officer, Palisades School District, District Office, 39 Thomas Free Dr, Kintnersville PA 18930.

Facsimile: Sent to the attention of the Open Records Officer at the following facsimile number: 610-847-8116. A written request sent via facsimile will not be considered submitted until a complete and legible copy of the facsimile is received by the person to whom it is addressed.

Email: Sent, as a completed and signed scanned attachment, to the attention of the Open Records Officer: [email protected]. An email will not be considered submitted until a completely accessible copy of that email is received and opened by the person to whom it is addressed.

Each request must include the following information:
1. Identification or description of the requested record, in sufficient detail
2. Medium in which the record is requested
3. Name and address of the individual to received the district's response. The District does not respond to anonymous requests.

Contact Information -
Open Records Officer:
Colleen Gartland
39 Thomas Free Drive
Kintnersville, PA 18930
610-847-5131 x4000 (voice)
610-847-8116 (fax)
[email protected] email

State Contact Information - Appeals
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, Plaza Level
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
717-346-9903 (voice)
717-425-5343 (fax)

Request for Records: Requests for access to public records must be in writing. Submit the completed district's "Right to Know" form to the Open Records Officer.

Board Policy: Policy #801 - Public Records is located here.