Community Safety FAQ

Dear Palisades Community,

To answer questions about how the Palisades School District handles situations regarding student management, student safety and community involvement, I have created a frequently-asked-questions (FAQ) document.  Links to our website are provided throughout to assist you in understanding district policies and protocols, and to enhance your awareness of resources available to you through various community agencies.

The Palisades Community values education and the safety and welfare of our children. Together, we can provide a safe and healthy environment in which all students can learn.

Kind regards,

Bridget O'Connell, Ed.D.

This FAQ was created to address how the Palisades School District and the Community work together to keep our community safe.  Please click on the question below to learn more about that topic. Thank you!

1. Who has authority over my child while he/she is in school?

2. How do school personnel make determinations about student rights, conduct, and discipline?

3. How are investigations into possible student disciplinary infractions handled at the building level?

4. In what circumstances would a school administrator contact the police?

5. What information can be shared with parents/guardians about a disciplinary incident?

6. How are instances of bullying handled?

7. How is the school keeping children safe on a daily basis?

8. How can the community help to keep schools safe?

9. What numbers can I call in the event of a family or community emergency?