ALL SCHOOLS: BREAKFAST AND LUNCH MENUS (Type PALISADES in the "Find Your Location" search box and select your school)
MENUS: All grade level lunch menus are posted on the Web site. The Palisades School District offers many choices for lunch. A complete lunch can include; fruit, vegetables, meat or meat alternative, bread, roll or crackers, and/or a milk.
To be considered as a meal, all lunches must include a fruit or vegetables and at least 2 other choices.
SCHOOL MEAL GUIDELINES: School meals are required to provide 1/3 of the recommended daily allowance of protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, calcium and calories. Following the nutritional guidelines outlined above, insures the balance of the five meal components, and is federally monitored as part of the school lunch program.
If students buy separate items, (a la carte), those items are called “competitive foods" and are not part of the school lunch program. NOTE: If a student takes an incomplete lunch, it will be charged as a la carte.
Additional food, drinks, second helpings of entrees, or competitive foods are not included in this amount and will exceed the calorie requirement. NOTE: we can limit or restrict additional purchases on your child's lunch account. Please call the school cafeteria crew chief directly, or the Food Services Director's office at 610-847-5131 ext 5002, if you would like us to add your requirement on the account.
For a review of these guidelines, please see the Palisades School District Competitive Foods and Beverages Nutritional Standards.
Please review the cafeteria menu with your child to help them plan for a balanced meal. Join your kids for school lunch or breakfast, be a partner. If you have questions about something being served, you may contact your school nurse, or the Food Services Director for more nutritional detail. Communicate any concerns or special diet requests your child might have, please think of the cafeteria as an extension of the classroom.