Homebound Instruction consists of tutoring services during a period of temporary excusal from the public school program, with the aim of keeping students on track academically. Homebound Services are NOT intended to replace routine instruction, but to assist the student to bridge the gap during their absence.
General Guidelines:
- Student has missed more than 2 weeks of school or is anticipated to be absent for a period of 2 weeks or more due to a medical excuse.
- Parent has submitted the Parent Request for Homebound Instruction Form to the building principal and provided appropriate physician documentation recommending services.
- Up to 5 hours a week of tutoring may be provided per week. If the student returns to a partial day of attendance, as per physician recommendation, partial hours of service may be approved.
- A parent or appropriate guardian must be at the home while the tutor is present. The hours of service will be determined by the tutor following consultation with the parent.
- The student is to provide documentation from the physician to return to school.
Parent Request for Homebound Instruction
Doctor Certification for Homebound Instruction
Psychiatrist Certification for Homebound Instruction